What You Need To Know About Installing A Furnace

by | Apr 26, 2013 | Air Conditioning

Furnace installation in Chicago is not the type of thing that would be recommended for a weekend DIY enthusiast; it can be a very complicated task. However, if you must go ahead and perform the installation on your own, understanding the basics of furnace operation is a must.

The theory:

Furnaces run on fuel, the normal fuel that is available is electricity, natural gas, propane and oil. The type of furnace installation in Chicago will usually be dependent on the type of fuel that you either wish to use or are available in your area. If you have choices of the type of fuel, you may wish to review the prices over the last few years and select the fuel which is the least costly.

Once that decision has been made, familiarize yourself with how a furnace operates. Although the fuel may differ, the concept of operation is close to being the same regardless. The furnace draws in air from the various rooms of the home; it does so by drawing the air through return ducts. A furnace has two duct systems; the return duct is usually between the wall joists and is identified by the protective grill; it has no control vane, and the grill is larger than the hot air grill.

The air travels through the duct and enters the furnace where it enters a plenum and is heated. If you are doing an electric furnace installation Chicago area, the heat source is an electric element. If the furnace is natural gas, propane or oil, the fuel is burnt as an open flame, heating the air in the chamber. The heated air is blown back into the rooms via the second duct network.

The installation:

With a general understanding of how a furnace works, it is not difficult for you to see that this will entail considerable work and attention to detail. The two main elements of the heating system; the furnace itself and the ductwork, must be installed properly. If you are replacing an existing furnace, this is an ideal time to make a detailed inspection of the existing ducting. If the ducting is full of debris, pulled apart at the joints, have holes in it or if the insulation is not complete, the best furnace in the world will not heat properly or return the air from the room.

If the furnace installation in Chicago is in a newly built home, the duct work installation and the corresponding registers will take the most time. Plan the layout of the ducting carefully, try to avoid a situation where the hot air outlet register will be covered with a piece of furniture. In a new installation, you may be well advised to use flexible ducting that can be purchased pre-insulated.

The final chore is to install the exhaust. Follow the instructions very carefully, improper exhausting of the fumes can be a health hazard, the fumes may even cause death.

Doing a furnace installation in Chicago should be left to the professional technicians at ELM Heating & Cooling. When you have your furnace installed professionally you can be assured of a safe and efficient result.

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