How People Can Combat Their Dental Fears and Have Productive Dental Visits

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Dentistry

Some people avoid seeing dentist in Appleton for a myriad of reasons. While these reasons are understandable, they should not stop an individual from getting the routine check-ups and needed treatments for improved dental health. If you are one of these people, these are steps you can take to lessen your apprehension and make your dental visits productive.

Understand that fear of dentists in Appleton.. This emotion can stem from many causes including fear of pain; feelings of loss of control; embarrassment; and negative past experiences. People with extreme, intense fear can develop dental phobia. Individuals with this phobia will sometimes go long periods of time without dental treatment, even at the expense of developing dental diseases. Since dental health is tied to overall health, this can result in medical problems as well.

Learning to identify the source of a dental fear is important before you can overcome it. This may take some time. You can ask people close to you if you have mentioned reasons for not seeing a dentist in the past. Also, take some time to remember past dental experiences and your fears during each visit. Did you see a dentist who did not treat you right? Was a treatment unsuccessful and it resulted in horrible pain? The cause of the pain may not be with dental treatments or pain itself. While hardly anyone likes pain, some people attribute their dental phobias to fear of pain or fear of mistreatment by the dentist. If your fear of dentists is tied to fear of something else, making this distinction so you can disassociate the two factors.

If your fear of dentist is based on a fear related to dentistry or pain, realize that not every visit will result in such an outcome. You do have control over your treatments. Find a dentist you are comfortable with. Talk to him about your fears. Ask him about treatment and pharmaceutical options. Also, decide on a signal that will let the dentist know you are in pain. This will help put your mind at ease and let the dentist know when you are in pain.

Seeing a dentist does not have to be a stressful event. Using practical tips and open, honest communication with your dentist is a favorable approach to overcoming your dental phobia. Doing this will let you enhance your oral health.

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