One of the most common myths heard in CrossFit training is that CrossFit wrist wraps are unnecessary and may cause problems.
This really is a myth and is contingent on personal preference. Some people believe that using CrossFit wrist wraps will actually weaken the supporting muscles and ligaments of the wrist.
We believe that if the wrists are the weakest point during any lift, providing a little extra support is going to help prevent injury and may also allow you to safely lift more without the risk of causing real damage the joint itself.
Support versus Flexibility
Often people argue that wearing any type of CrossFit wrist wraps, even those that provide mild to moderate amounts of support, will decrease the flexibility in the wrists. However, think about when your wrists cause you pain during a lift or a weight exercise. This typically happens because the wrist rotates back over the arm.
This is often the case with a front squat or a thrust but also when lifting overhead. Presses, snatches and overhead squats are good examples of this type of movement. By decreasing the flexibility in the wrist and holding it straight rather than bent back, you actually improve your ability to do the lift.
Wrist Strengthening
The key to using CrossFit wrist wraps is not to use them for every lift and all the time. You should use them if your wrists are sore or you are increasing your weights. Then, with the incoporation of wrist exercises and improving overall wrist strength, you can work without the wraps for most lifting. You can choose to continue to use the Boxfreak wrist wraps for those overhead and problematic types of lifts.
You also have the option to move up or down in levels of support with CrossFit wrist wraps. You can always start with a lighter support wrap and move up in thickness and support or you can work down as your wrists become stronger overall to support more of a lift regardless of the type of weight and lift involved. For more information, check out the video.