How To Write Holiday Greeting Card Sayings

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Shopping

Since store bought greeting cards can be expensive, it would be better to buy inexpensive, blank cards and make your own holiday greeting cards. The challenging part about making these cards is creating the message, but with some pointers and your imagination, you can create meaningful holiday greeting cards for your loved ones. Avoid passive language by using active verbs to make the message sound better. Leave out any holiday greeting card sayings that could be culturally insensitive.

Consider The Personality of The Recipients

When you’re thinking about what message to write on the inside of the cards, consider the recipients’ personalities and beliefs. If your father is a Christian who is devoted to his relationship with God, you can write a few Bible passages that pertain to the Lord Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas.

Make It A Message of Gratitude

Everyone has something to be thankful for, why not create messages of gratitude? If your grandfather was instrumental in teaching you what to look for in a spouse, mention this in the card. Thank those who have offered their time, finances and wisdom.

Turn It Into An Encouraging Note

It’s the holiday season and your childhood friend called to tell you he has cancer, or your sister recently mentioned that she lost her job after fifteen years of working at the company. You want to buy holiday greeting card sayings by RedLetterWords that will offer heartfelt sympathy and support for those going through a tough time. To make it even more personal, bring the card to them in person and visit for a few hours.

My Loved Ones Are in The Military. How Can I Write The Best Sayings?

Maintain an encouraging, yet optimistic tone in your greeting card sayings towards those in the military. Inject humor about yourself, as it relates to the way you feel about your loved ones serving in the military and state your anticipation and prayers for their safe return home from service. Incorporate some well-known quotes on courage and service by visiting our profile at:

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