Smart Carpet Repair in Broomfield

by | Feb 24, 2022 | Carpet And Floor

Whether we like it or not, life happens; wine spills, kids and pets throw up, and disasters happen all over the gorgeous and expensive carpet in your home. Maybe you’ve just moved into a new home and had the existing carpets replaced, only to have the movers drop a box of kitchen staples all over it, or perhaps your kids finally talked you into getting a puppy who hasn’t quite gotten the hang of potty-training yet. Situations like this can drive a homeowner to the edge of insanity, and seeing your lovely, pristine carpet damaged by carelessness or accidents can be infuriating, but there are steps you can take to minimize damage until a carpet repair in Broomfield professional can assess the situation and make a recommendation.

When you’re dealing with a carpet emergency it’s tempting to panic and freak out, but in order to increase the odds of successful removal, you need to remain calm and examine the situation objectively. Treatment methods are completely dependent on the type of damage incurred; carpet that has been soaked with wine requires a different kind of approach than carpet that was the unfortunate recipient of animal waste. When you first become aware of the problem, identify how recent the accident occurred; you’re more likely to successfully treat stains and damage the sooner you catch it. For discoloring stains that result from wine, soda and other colored liquids and beverages, take a clean dish towel and gently blot the liquid to soak up as much as possible, and then apply a color safe stain removal product designed to be used on carpet. Sold animal waste should be removed while urine stains can be blotted with paper towels; after removal, use a carpet cleaning product with odor removing elements to get rid of unpleasant smells.

If, despite your best efforts, the damage is irreversible, it’s time to call in the big guns: your local Carpet Repair Broomfield professional. Describe the situation that led to the damage, and be sure to include details about the approximate size of the area, stains, odors and other information so that your repair person can bring the proper equipment to remedy the situation and return your carpet to neat and clean condition.

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