Working in behavioral health has its own set of stressors and challenges, making sure you get paid should not be one of them. Utilizing behavioral health billing software is one way to ease the administrative burdens associated with healthcare.
The major reason why healthcare claims are rejected is human error. Automating this system decreases the number of errors. Behavioral health billing software that has coding information entered, allowing the user to simply point and click, prevents incorrect information from entering the billing system.
What To Look For in Billing Software
When implementing a new system, you want something that makes your job easier, not more challenging. A well-designed program will reduce the number of keystrokes required during the claims process. Processes like one-click options for common lab codes are a tremendous time-saver and reduce the risk of errors.
The right billing software can also reduce the need for additional paperwork. For example, a software program that runs utilization review reports can help you manage your workflow and eliminate the need for a separate spreadsheet for tracking authorizations.
The software will ideally have built-in followup for billing that automatically follows up on claims until they are fully paid. The ability to sort claims by aging makes it easy to monitor and to stay up to date on collections.
Finally, make sure that the healthcare billing software you are considering includes ways to create financial reports. The ideal report allows you to sort reports by date range and filter in various ways. The financial report should include detailed information on each claim.
Essential Features To Watch Out For Before Implementing Billing Software
The best healthcare billing software will include autofill options for common fields. It will shorten the amount of time required to complete and send claims. Some billing software programs allow you to complete the entire claim creation and sending process in less than 30 seconds. You want billing software that has many options for accepting payments as well as direct connections to the largest insurers.