The Benefits Of Leasing Bulls For The Breeding Season Over Owning Them

by | Feb 27, 2020 | Agriculture and Forestry

If you are a small rancher or farmer trying to raise beef cattle for sale, a big problem is taking care of your bulls after the short breeding season is over. That’s why leasing a bulls just for the season is an attractive option; you’ll save money because you won’t have the overhead of caring for bulls that you don’t need for the vast majority of the year, and you can focus on preparing beef cattle for sale.

Advantages of leasing bulls

When you lease bulls, you can choose animals that have extremely good genetics that would be expensive to buy on your own. Finding the right dealer is critical. First of all, look for an outfit that will both deliver your bulls and then pick them back up. Work with a firm that is up-front about insurance and will provide you with a replacement bull if one that they lease is injured.

Additionally, go with a team that will guarantee you healthy bulls with superior genetics. If you aren’t enough of an expert to pick out your bulls for yourself, work with a breeder that you trust enough to handle this for you.

Younger bulls are best

When you lease bulls, work with an outfit that will give you mainly younger bulls. They are much less likely to be carrying the organism that causes trichomoniasis, which can cause cows to abort their herds. Also older bulls can sometimes slip and break the backs of cows.

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