Family Dentistry in Fairfax Helps Maintain Your Health

by | Dec 27, 2021 | Dental-care

You may not know it yet, but multiple medical studies over the years have shown that a great predictor of overall health is someone’s oral health. Whether it’s due to genetic considerations, decay from lack of care, or a simple alignment issue, dental health trickles down through the body and can lead to either vitality and stability or a path of troubling health issues.

Family dentistry in Fairfax can prevent huge problems down the line through comprehensive dental care.

How Teeth Affect Whole-Body Health

Dental hygiene is crucial to your everyday routine, and so is regularly seeing a dentist to make sure your mouth is healthy. Not only have more recent findings shown a link between gum and tooth bacteria and chronic illnesses, including autoimmune disorders and cognitive disorders, but with the rich blood supply of the mouth, bacterial overgrowth can be dangerous.

Plaque carries harmful bacteria, which can sit in your gums and on your teeth. This can easily transfer to the bloodstream and affect other organs and body systems, even causing sepsis. On top of that, dental problems can dictate how and what you eat, affecting your health even more.

Dentists for the Whole Family

Even children yet to break out their first teeth need to seek family dentistry in Fairfax to make sure they have a good foundation for future dental health. Cascades Dental of Centreville has a kind and trained staff that knows how to help children, the elderly, and anyone else feel at ease. Sedation dentistry can also help anyone with pain or anxiety.

6134 Redwood Square Centre, Centreville, VA 20121.

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