Consider Eye Vitamins that Contain Ingredients from the AREDS 2 Study

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Business

Age-Related Eye Disease studies have been conducted over the past few years, and the first study provided a formula that can help stop advanced AMD (age-related macular degeneration.) This original formulation offered many vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper and zinc. However the new formulation, called AREDS 2 offers vitamin C, vitamin E, no beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

While the newer formulation (AREDS 2) doesn’t necessarily lower the risk of advanced AMD, it is safer for those who smoke or used to smoke and have low levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in their diets. It seems that taking out the beta-carotene was a helpful move for this vitamin.

Comparing AREDS 2 with Other Eye Vitamins

If you are looking for a comparable option that is similar to the original AREDS 2 without the hefty price tag, you have many options. However, it is important to ensure that the product you select offers the six key ingredients in approximately the same amounts.

For example, amounts of each vitamin and mineral in the AREDS 2 study include 10 mg lutein, two mg zeaxanthin, and 1,000 mg omega-3 fatty acids with 350 going toward DHA and 650 mg going toward EPA, along with 25 mg of zinc. It has been shown that the omega-3 fatty acids should be added but that 1,000 mg isn’t a necessary amount, so this can be reduced in the eye vitamins you select.

LipoTriad Visionary offers the same six ingredients, though the amounts are slightly different. For example, there is still 10 mg of lutein, though there is 2.5 mg of zeaxanthin, a lower zinc dosage of 17.4 mg, and 250 mg of fish oil. It is also dye free, meaning there is no artificial coloring and is completely safe for smokers because there is no vitamin A.

Taking Eye Vitamins with Others

Most people prefer to take a multivitamin each day to ensure they get the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy lifestyle. However, most people are unsure whether they can take a specific vitamin for a specific area of the body and continue their regimen of multivitamins.

The AREDS 2 study showed that it is safe to take a multivitamin and the eye vitamins together, which will cause no ill side effects. Multivitamins do not provide enough lutein and zeaxanthin to combat age-related macular degeneration.

AREDS 2 Eye Vitamins are the best way to reduce risks of AMD. Purchase yours today through LipoTriad Vitamins today.   

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