Living in a small town like Fountain is a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, small towns often have limited access to some important features such as your choice of a plumbing contractor. The plumbing in a home can be like the arteries in your body, each is unique in their own way. This is important to consider, especially when you have a home that was built before the nineteen fifties. Older plumbing can create unique problems that are difficult to repair if the plumber doesn’t have experience working with those types of pipes or fittings and replacing the systems with new plumbing isn’t always the best option.
One of the most common problems with plumbing is clogged or slow drains. This is actually caused by a variety of situations and is usually cleared up with Drain Cleaning in Fountain CO. The most common occurrence of home drain clogging happens at the U or S-shaped pipe traps which are located just after the drain itself. These traps are originally designed to keep sewer gases from leaking back into the home by trapping water in the pipe. It is an effective means of blocking the gas, but it also allows the collection of food and other debris in the pipes. Over time this debris will block the flow of waste water from draining away.
The harder to handle drain problems come from clogs in the sewer outlet pipes. These clogs tend to build up over time and block the flow of effluent and waste from exiting the sewer lines. Part of the problem is due to the sewage line being a low flow system. This means there is little pressure to push the waste out of the pipes. This allows the waste to collect in various spots and build up into a clog. When a clog occurs the plumber will need to break through with a specialized tool such as a pipe snake. Once the sewage is flowing again the next best option is to have the sewer pipes cleaned with a hydro-jet wash. Keeping your pipes flowing freely is critical to cleanliness. To that end you need to contact an expert like Jazy Frei Plumbing & Heating when your home needs Drain Cleaning in Fountain CO.