Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Bail Bond in Gilbert, AZ

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Bail Bonds

When someone finds themselves behind bars, they need to post bail to handle their other responsibilities. However, bail can be expensive. If your loved one needs assistance getting out of jail, you may decide to enlist the help of the best affordable bail bonds in Gilbert, AZ.

How Bail Bonds Work

If a defendant does not post bail, they will be stuck in jail until their next court appointment, which can be weeks or months away. They won’t be able to work or take care of their responsibilities during this time, and a long stay can have a more negative impact than a night or two in jail. Therefore, a loved one can post bail for them or ask for a bail bond for a surety loan.

A surety loan is similar to a personal loan. When you ask for a bail bond to bail a loved one out of jail, you will pay an initial fee for the service, which is typically nonrefundable. In some cases, you may need to put up collateral, too.

The court will return the bail (or a portion of it) to the bail bond after they complete the court process. If the defendant fails to attend to important court dates, the court can revoke their bail. In this case, the bail bond can come after the person who requested the bail bond for their losses. The person who requested the bail bond can even lose their collateral. It’s important to trust the defendant if you decide to utilize Affordable bail bonds in Gilbert, AZ.

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