Taylion High Desert Academy is a free K-12 school located in Victorville, CA state of the USA. It is one of the elementary schools near Lancaster, CA, and is a charter school; students can access tuition-free education with additional flexibility. After completing their studies, students from Tailion Academy graduate with a high-school diploma.
If you are wondering what the difference is between a charter school and a regular public school, a charter school allows you to choose what time you want to study. You can either study fully remotely or use the institution’s resource centers, where you have access to a teacher.
Taylion Academy is one of the public charter elementary schools near Lancaster, CA. They have three main modes of study:
Online Model
In this mode of study, you learn remotely with engaging content such as simulations and videos with flexible timelines. You will be in regular contact with teachers and can visit one of the school’s physical locations for group studies and instructions.
Independent Study
This mode of study is self-paced and is excellent for those who like the flexibility to move at their own pace. You can also meet physically with other students in small groups and get one-on-one instructions in addition to meeting with teachers twice a week.
Home School
The homeschool mode of study is perfect for families who want to play a role in the student’s education. If you choose to use this model, you are equipped with lesson plans, free curriculums, social events, and support groups. The school sends facilitators to your homes weekly to evaluate, discuss and review the student’s progress.