Facts About the Different Types of Stem Cells Used in Burlington VT Therapy

by | May 7, 2024 | Pain Control Clinic

When your doctor first discusses the possibility of undergoing stem cell therapy, one of the primary questions you might ask is, “Are there different types of stem cells used in therapy, and how are they sourced?” This is a common query, and indeed, there are three primary types of stem cells commonly utilized, all of which are naturally sourced.

Autologous Stem Cells

These stem cells are harvested from the patient’s own body, typically from either the bone marrow or the blood. They are considered highly effective and are generally regarded as the safest and quickest-acting form of stem cell therapy available at a Knee Pain Clinic In Burlington VT.

Allogeneic Stem Cells

Another common inquiry regarding stem cell therapy revolves around the different types of stem cells used and their sourcing. Allogeneic stem cells are sourced from another individual and administered to the patient. These cells can be obtained from bone marrow, blood, or umbilical cords, with the latter harvested after birth with parental consent.

Syngeneic Stem Cells

In cases where an individual has an identical twin sibling, stem cells can be procured from the sibling and utilized in therapy. However, given the rarity of identical twin siblings, this type of stem cell therapy is less common. Nonetheless, it remains a viable option that can be facilitated at a Knee Pain Clinic In Burlington VT.

For further information or to explore stem cell therapy options, please reach out to QC Kinetix (Colchester)

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