Get Relief From Headaches & Jaw Pain With TMJ Treatment in Irvine, CA

by | Jan 10, 2024 | Chiropractic

Jaw pain is a fairly common experience in adults. It may result from an injury to the head or jaw, degeneration of bone from arthritis or genetic factors. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge on either side of the mouth that can be involved in jaw pain. Your chiropractor can offer TMJ treatment in Irvine, CA to relieve TMJ symptoms.

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

You may experience tenderness in the hinge of the joint of your jaw on one or both sides of your mouth. Some people experience pain when chewing. There may be an aching sensation around your ear. Your jaw may lock up when you are speaking or chewing. TMJ problems can also exhibit as facial pain that comes and goes or is constant. Frequent headaches or earaches may occur. You may even experience dizziness from the dysfunction.

Chiropractic TMJ Treatment Can Help

Chiropractors have intensive training in disorders of the joints and spine. Your chiropractor may do a manual adjustment to realign spinal structures to facilitate normal movement. Massage therapy can help to relieve tension in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that connect to the temporomandibular joint. Heat and cold therapy can help to reduce inflammation that affects function of the jaw. Your chiropractor may also recommend corrective exercise to stretch and strengthen jaw muscles to support better function in the jaw.

Frequent headaches, unusual noises coming from the jaw or discomfort in the jaw can mean a problem with your temporomandibular joint that requires care from a health professional. If you need TMJ Treatment in Irvine, CA, your local chiropractor, can provide information on how chiropractic techniques can help your jaw pain.

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