Get the Perfect Smile You’ve Always Dreamed of With Dentist Spring

by | Oct 28, 2013 | Dental

Everyone deserves a beautiful smile and with the right dentists who are skilled in the proper dental procedures anyone can have the smile they want. Of course, some of these procedures may take longer than others and many of them will require multiple visits. Most smile problems are related to the teeth such as severe staining, misshapen teeth or misaligned teeth. The alignment issue is usually taken care of by the orthodontist although modern treatment methods like removable aligners are changing this.

The most common treatment a Dentist Spring will use for improving your smile is teeth whitening. This technique uses a peroxide formula on the enamel of the teeth to remove any built up stains. Teeth stains build up over time from the things we drink such as coffee or tea and the foods we eat such as candy or pie. Plus, as teeth age the enamel weakens which makes it easier for the stain to sink in. The whitening method is an easy process.
z The dentist will apply the whitening agent and allow it to sit for fifteen minutes. After a check to see how things are going they may remove the formula or wait another fifteen minutes. While you will see improvements after the actual application the final results usually take a few days to show properly.

Another procedure that improves the smile of many people is the application of veneers. As the term implies veneers are a thin layer of material, usually made from porcelain or a resin, that covers the front of the teeth. This makes them different from crowns or caps which are more functional in design. However, veneers still need to be tough and able to stand up to the biting and chewing we do whenever we eat.

Selecting the Dentist Spring to repair your smile is an easy task. Dental offices such as Gentle Dental Care provide multiple locations for easy visits, have wonderful, helpful staff members and excellent dentists. You first start by talking to the people who run the office and explaining your needs. Most dental offices are willing to give a new patient a simple tour and help in any way possible to make the best decision.

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