If you are unsure if you want to file for divorce, however, wish to form a legal separation you should contact a Family Lawyer in the Lombard area. Through legal separation, you remain married and have the benefits of options such as medical coverage through your spouse’s policy and may retain joint ownership of properties. However, the romantic relationship between you and your spouse is nullified as you begin to live separately. In some circumstances, this option is more beneficial than divorce. To discuss this option with an attorney, contact SBK Law Group.
How a Family Lawyer Can Assist You
SBK Law Group provides legal assistance for couples who wish to file for a legal separation. Through this process, the attorneys guide you in making decisions in terms of who will retain custody of your children and with whom they will live. With this attorney you discuss terms related to properties that you both own and whether it is necessary for you or your spouse to maintain family medical coverage.
You and your spouse will negotiate the terms to establish who will remain within the family home or if you wish to continue to share this property. Once the terms are established this document is filed within the civil court and finalized during a hearing with the judge. If you wish to speak to an attorney about a legal separation or simply wish to weigh your options contact SBK Law Group or visit their website at Summary.
By acquiring a legal separation through the help of your Family Lawyer in Lombard, the outcome could lead to two probable results. Either through separation you may reconcile and begin the process of repairing your marriage or you may later choose to file for a divorce. In some cases, legal separation is an effective option for couples who do not agree with the concept of divorce due to religious beliefs.
For whatever reason, a family lawyer can assist you in establishing the terms of your separation that are beneficial for you and your spouse. To file for a legal separation or review your options, contact SBK Law Group today.