Furnaces are significant investments for homeowners, and it’s critical that you schedule Buffalo Grove furnace maintenance every year. An HVAC professional performs all the necessary maintenance steps to keep your furnace running correctly, extend its longevity, and retain the manufacturer’s warranty coverage.
Prepare for Winter with Seasonal Cleaning
HVAC technicians complete seasonal cleaning services for furnaces once a year. If you set up services before turning on the heater, you avoid the unpleasant burning smell. In addition, cleaning around the exterior unit prevents debris from causing blockages later, and a freshly cleaned interior unit is free of pet hair, dust, and allergens.
Inspect the Unit and Ductwork
Buffalo Grove furnace maintenance includes a complete inspection of the unit and the ductwork. Between seasons, debris collects in the ductwork, and animals and pests could damage or disconnect it underneath your home. Cleaning out the ductwork and registers removes unwanted debris and allergens. In addition, it gives HVAC technicians a better view of the ductwork.
Test All Components
HVAC professionals have the training to test all furnace components and give you peace of mind. They start by assessing the thermostat and determining if any drafts are nearby. Next, the technicians evaluate all interior and exterior parts and recommend replacements if they find problems. Finally, the service providers test gas furnaces for leaks and ensure that your carbon monoxide detector works correctly.
Furnace maintenance is critical to keeping your home warm all winter, and these steps extend the life span of the heating unit. In addition, hiring a professional to complete the services helps you retain coverage under the manufacturer’s warranty. Contact Gleason Heating and Air Conditioning to set up furnace maintenance in Buffalo Grove, IL.