There’s something about riding on a motorcycle that feeds the wildness in our souls. Whether riding alone or with friends, the lure of the open road attracts people of all ages. For many, riding on a bike becomes a lifelong passion. The perception of bikers in the 1960s as young punks in motorcycle gangs has morphed into veterans riding together in groups like Rolling Thunder and supporting good causes. They ride for the companionship found with others of like mind.
Rather surprisingly, there is a huge variance in how popular motorcycling is in different states. California, Florida and Texas have the highest numbers of registered motorcycles, but they also have large populations. California is also considered to be the state with the all-around best roads to ride on. To really appreciate the popularity of motorcycling in a particular state, however, it makes more sense to look at how many bikes there are compared to the population of the state. In South Dakota, the people are truly passionate about motorcycles – there is one motorcycle for every 12 people. Mississippians, on the other hand, don’t appear to be very interested in riding – there is only one motorcycle for every 106 people.
Riding on a motorcycle is, and always has been, inherently dangerous. For every mile traveled, someone riding a motorcycle has a 35 times greater risk of being involved in a deadly accident than someone traveling in a car. Many riders are never involved in a serious accident, but when they are, the injuries can be catastrophic. Wearing leathers and helmets offers some protection, but the human body is fragile compared to steel and road surfaces.
Head injuries are the leading cause of death. Helmets reduced the risk by 40%. Over half of the deaths occurred in accidents involving another vehicle. Drivers often say after such an accident that they ‘didn’t see’ the motorcycle. The distracted driver of a car presents a danger to everyone else on the road, but especially to the rider on a motorcycle.
Any motorcyclist who has been injured in an accident involving another vehicle should contact a Motorcycle Injury Attorney in Murfreesboro TN. The Law Office of Gritton & Gritton PLLC provides experienced legal representation to accident victims. Click Here to browse their website and investigate the services offered by a Motorcycle Injury Attorney in Murfreesboro TN.