Proper Septic Pumping in NJ Prevents Costly Repairs

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Septic Tanks

All of the waste water in a home is carried into the septic tank, if the home isn’t connected to a public sewer system. In addition to the toilet, this includes showers and bathtubs, all of the sinks and the washing machine. It is therefore very important that a Septic Pumping NJ company such as Accurate Waste Systems be hired to pump out the septic system on a regular basis. That schedule depends upon the size of the tank and the amount of waste water generated by the household. The liquid waste management company that pumps out the septic tank can recommend the proper schedule.

Proper Septic Pumping in NJ keeps a septic system running properly. Once the waste water arrives in the septic tank, bacteria begins to process it. Sludge falls to the bottom of the tank while liquid waste floats to the top. When the liquid waste gets high enough, it reaches the outfall pipe and begins the journey to the leaching field. It travels through a series of pipes with small holes in them. The liquid is gradually released back into the ground where it continues to be treated. If the sludge at the bottom of the tank is not pumped out, it will get higher in the tank. If it reaches the outfall pipe and tries to exit it, it will cause a blockage.

At that point, Septic Pumping NJ will alleviate the immediate problem of a blocked pipe. Homeowners generally call Accurate Waste Systems for help because their toilets, sinks and showers won’t drain. However, pumping out the septic tank is only a temporary fix because the pipe is still blocked. Once the sewage has entered the perforated leaching field pipes, the only solution is to dig up the pipes and replace them. These pipes are usually located two to three feet below the surface of the ground. Therefore it’s necessary to bring in excavation equipment.

This is a costly repair that can disrupt the homeowners expensive landscaping as well. Once the pipes have been replaced, the Septic Pumping NJ company will recommend a pumping schedule to prevent it from happening again. They will also teach the homeowner how to keep the bacteria in the septic tank healthy so they process as much waste as possible. Often this means not using bleach products on a daily basis.

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