Emergency dental care includes the treatment of toothaches, lost fillings, or other related issues. Patients in need of emergency help may have been the victim of an accident. They could also have severe pain due to cavities. It is important that you get to a dentist as soon as possible.
A Dentist in West Covina will prioritize preventive dentistry and emergency care. This is how dentists treat issues before the problem progresses. It is very rare that those who go for regular check-ups end up needing emergency care. However, there are still occasions when a patient still needs emergency dental care.
The most common problems in emergency care of teeth are:
- Toothache and fractures.
- Toothaches have many causes. Tooth pain usually involves cavities and periodontitis. Another reason why patients need emergency help with their teeth is the teeth and fillings may break. Such teeth can often be saved by emergency services. Using a crown is the most obvious way.
- Knocked out teeth
- . When teeth are knocked out or fall out, it is important to try and saved them. It is vital that the tooth and the jaw has limited damage. You should also avoid dehydration and infection. A knocked out tooth or parts of a knocked out tooth should be immediately protected against contamination. A knocked out tooth should preferably be put in cold and sterile saline. Alternatively, a knocked out tooth can be transported in cold milk. If this is not possible, put your tooth in plastic wrap and bring it to the dental office as soon as possible. Make an attempt to contact the dentist office in advance so staff can prepare for the procedure. Your dentist will determine if the tooth can be rescued and whether it can be stuck back in the jaw. An earlier knocked out tooth may become discolored, and if the tooth cannot be saved, you might want to think about a bridge or implant.
Seeing a Dentist in West Covina for any of the above issues is a smart move if you want to save your teeth. Preventive dental care is important in order to avoid emergency dental care. Some come once a year while others several times. Click Here for more information.