Selecting an Exhibit Builder: A Discriminating Process

by | Jul 11, 2014 | Business

As a business person, or perhaps even a business owner, you are well-apprised of the fact that success at trade shows means massive commercial success for your business. But how do you develop the best exhibit possible? Of course, you could spearhead the project alone. However there are a number of complicated factors at play when developing these exhibits. For this reason, it is wise to hire an expert exhibit builder. The following are some guidelines for selecting builders who will both understand and cater to your needs: from the project’s inception down to its completion.

Verify a Company’s Credentials

Exhibit builders are becoming more and more plentiful by the day. Therefore, selecting the right builder has become quite challenging. One thing to do, during your vetting process, is to verify the credentials of the exhibit builders that you are considering. For example, inquire into how long they have been in business. Even if they are a new business, they may be well-qualified to take care of your project. Nonetheless, it is worth asking to see a portfolio of their work and to have a good understanding of their credentials.

Does the Company Hire Out Any of Their Work?

Another important question to ask is whether or not your exhibit builder handles all aspects of exhibit production. The reason this is so important is because it validates the uniformity and quality of the work you can expect to receive. Once you have decided that a builder is the right one for you, you can be relatively certain that they will be invested in your project and will want to do a good job with it. But if they hire out parts of the project, they no longer have complete control over the quality of the work they will receive in return. Make sure to ask whether a company hires out any of their work.

Inquire Into Their Approach to Building

Because exhibit builders are becoming more and more popular, each company will have their own unique angle and approach to exhibit building. It is crucial that you assess what each builder’s particular angle consists in. Is it excellent graphic design? Promotion of the project? Or does their angle reside in making use of the newest marketing techniques and technologies? You will want to weigh how each builder proposes to approach your given project against your own specific needs. If you desire an exhibit mainly for promotional purposes, than having an exhibit that is highly informational and engaging will be ideal. Learning as much as you can about exhibit builders is essential in deciding which company to move forward with.

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