Some Info On Dental Implants in Newport News

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Dentist

If you are considering what to do about missing teeth, dead teeth, or problems with teeth placement, dental implants may be the answer for you. Many people associate dental implants with dentures, which is not actually correct. Dentures are typically a removable device that is placed in the mouth to replicate the look and feel of missing teeth. Dental Implants in Newport News are different because they actually become a permanent part of your mouth since they are surgically placed.

One interesting thing that many people don’t know about Dental Implants in Newport News is that they can be used in a lot of very different situations. You can replace just one tooth with a dental implant, or you can replace an entire row of teeth with implants. Generally speaking, dental implants can be created to fit most dental needs if a patient is suffering from missing teeth or dead teeth that need to be removed for the overall health and wellness of the patient.

The first step in placing dental implants is removing any diseased tissue or dead teeth and cleaning the area. The gum area will be surgically divided in order to insert the implant in all cases. In some cases, the implant will be placed directly atop the bone (the jaw bone) that lies beneath the gum, and in other situations the implant will be placed directly into the bone of the jaw via a dental drill. The upper part of the dental implant will basically look like an exposed screw until the dentist places the custom made tooth atop it. Using precision techniques, the new tooth will be permanently attached to the metal work that was placed under the gum line and the incision will then be carefully stitched back together.

If you want to learn more about dental implants, or to determine whether this might be the right choice for your teeth replacement needs, consider contacting a local dentist like Sitename. Their team of experienced dentists can explain the dental implant process, create custom implants for your mouth, and perform the surgery to give you the smile you really want.

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