Taking Legal Action with a Brain Injury Attorney in Kansas City MO

by | Apr 1, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

One of the most difficult times in life is dealing with a serious injury. The ability to be totally functional and having a sudden end to this quality of life is a challenge to deal with. If you have suffered a brain injury, it is critical to your financial and emotional well-being to consult with a brain injury attorney in Kansas City MO.

Accidents occur every day and six million car accidents are reported in the United States alone. If you are the victim of an accident and suffered irreparable damages, it is important to consider filing a lawsuit. This will assist in obtaining justice for your injury.

The first step in taking legal action for the plaintiff will involve meeting with a brain injury attorney in Kansas City MO and discussing the case. This will assist the attorney in understanding the details of the case. Also, you will know the strength of your case, as well.

The attorney will review the charges made against the defendant and list the laws which have been broken. Once the lawsuit has been drafted by the attorney, the defendant will be served.

The completion of filing the legal action and obtaining a response from the defendant will lead to the discovery process. This is the time when the details of the case will be addressed. Listed below are the four parts of discovery:

1. Written interrogatories -; There are a number of questions which are served to the plaintiff and defendant during discovery. These questions are based on the case and should be responded to with great attention to detail.

2. Deposition -; The oral testimony provided by either party to the other’s attorney is known as the deposition. This will require the party providing the deposition to be sworn in under oath and this may be used in court.

3. The requests for admission statements -; Statements issued during the discovery process that must be admitted or denied.

4. The requests for production documents -; The best time to prove the injuries you incurred is during this stage. By providing medical receipts or time lost from work statements will assist in proving your case.

Finally, by retaining the services of Prochaska, Giroux and Howell, LLC in Kansas City you can build and win your case.


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