The Facts Of Sedation Dentistry In Parker CO

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Dentist

Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO is defined as dental care under conscious sedation without pain, dental phobia or fear of the dentist, or nausea. Conscious sedation is the solution most dentists use primarily for dental sedation when dental phobia and simple apprehension is involved. Conscious sedation can handle anxious patients more comfortably. All types of care can be performed under conscious sedation: cosmetic dentistry, ceramic veneers, ceramic crowns and bridges, dental implants, bone grafts and fillings.

The different types of Sedation Dentistry:

* Oral Conscious Sedation: this is administered by taking oral sedatives from the family of Benzodiazepines like Diazepam or Hydroxyzine. All body functions remain normal and the person can breathe by themselves. With this method, patients do not sleep. The disadvantage of this technique is that the sedation level of sedation for each person is different and that the action of the tablet is difficult to control.

* Conscious Inhalation Sedation: dentists use nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas.” Most dental offices use a mixture of oxygen-nitrous oxide (50% -50%). This is the method most used in Sedation Dentistry in Parker CO. With this method, all body functions remain normal and the person can breathe without help. Frequently, the patient is drowsy and reaches a certain degree of amnesia about what happened during treatment. Inhalation sedation has been used by dentists for many years.

* Conscious Intravenous Sedation: drugs are administered intravenously directly into the bloodstream. The biggest advantage of intravenous conscious sedation is that if the patient is not sufficiently asleep, the anesthetist may administer an additional dose and the effects are instantaneous. In addition, there is a more profound amnesia with the use of this technique.

Intravenous sedation is not commonly used in dental offices. Conscious IV sedation is used by many dental surgeons with limitations attached. That is why many dentists works daily with anesthetists and intensive care personnel that carry out all types of conscious sedation, from the simple to the most complex. The anesthesiologist remains next to the patient throughout the session and ensures comfort and safety. Contact Holly B. Sletten DMDfor more information.

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