Thinking About Laser Hair Removal in NY?

by | Jan 15, 2014 | Salons and Spas

Are you tired of painful waxing and skin-irritating shaving? Whether it’s your under-arms, legs, bikini line, or somewhere a bit more inconveniencing like your upper lip or chin, hair removal is messy and incredibly hard on your skin, often causing breakouts and ingrown hairs, which can lead to painful infections. If you decide to bleach instead, the toxic solutions can give you chemical burns and can do nothing to hide the dark follicles in your skin. While it may sometimes be tempting to just give up and go Natural, consider investing in laser hair removal instead.

Laser Hair Removal in NY can be done as a spa treatment with a minimal investment of your time and money. The effects are permanent, meaning you’ll never have to mess with razors or wax strips again. Make sure, though, that you find a reputable spa with advanced equipment, so you get the safest treatment for your skin type and tone. A good spa, like Blue Water Spa in Long Island, will be able to give you permanent results and will be able to match their equipment to your skin tone, so you do not end up with any unsightly light or dark spots. Quality spas are able to customize treatments to account for sensitivity as well and will have invested in higher end laser systems.

The hair removal needs to be done in several treatments, so the skin has time to properly heal and the hair follicle has time to break down between sessions. If a spa promises they can do the treatment in just one or two sessions, seek another spa. There is no way to safely remove all hair permanently in just one or two treatments without leaving scarring. Reputable spas will be upfront about the length of treatment, which is usually at least four session spaced several weeks apart and can safely remove hair anywhere on your body. If, however, you are hesitant to try Laser Hair Removal in NY on your face the first time you go to the spa, take advantage of Blue Water Spa’s coupon for one free underarm session, and see how easy and painless the procedure really is.

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