Laminate Wood Flooring in San Jose has become extremely popular over the last few years, as more and more people realize that carpeting traps dirt and causes allergies to worsen. Wood laminate floors are cheaper than hardwood floors and much simpler to have installed as well. While the floors may be aesthetically appealing and easy to install, many people wonder what the proper way of cleaning them is. Below you will find some tips on how to clean your new Laminate Wood Flooring in San Jose so that they last you a good long time.
Sweeping of course is one of the main ways to keep your laminate flooring sparkling clean. You will want to start from the corners of your room, making sure to sweep baseboards and under cabinets, and tables. Make sure to use a sturdy dustpan so that the dirt doesn’t get swept up under it and back into the air or on the floor. To ensure that the dirt is all gone, make a quick swipe across the room with a static cloth dry mop when you are finished sweeping.
When you are mopping, it’s best to try and avoid soaking the floor. Too much water can eventually destroy your laminate flooring, so it’s best to spray a cleaner that is specially made for these types of floors and mop in sections instead.
If you put a hard attachment on your vacuum, then you will be able to get into the crevices and cracks of the room with your laminate flooring in it and preserve the life of the floors and make sure that they are sparkling clean at all times.
Unless your floor is dirty all of the time, you will want to mop only sparingly. Spot clean areas instead of mopping the full floor every day. Laminate flooring is a great way to floor the rooms in your home. They are cleaner, and more appealing than carpet to many people, so you can be assured that family members with allergies will be okay in your home. Laminate Wood Flooring San Jose is a great alternative to carpeting and your family will thank you. Check out FMD Distributor, they are the best Laminate and Hardwood flooring supplier.