Tips for Creating Well-Branded Presentation Folders

by | Dec 12, 2013 | Business, Printing

Your business presentation folder is just as important as your website and has to maintain your brand’s integrity. Here are some tips to help you create the professional, well-branded presentation folders to keep your brand top of mind and well represented to potential clients.

Use Your Colors
The first and easiest step to coming up with your concept is to decide to use your brands’ colors. You may have a single color logo so look to this as your base as a jumping off point. Depending on how many colors you intend to use on your folder you can then either refer to your brand color palette or use this as an opportunity to create a palette you can begin to use throughout all of your branding collateral. Remember that the amount of colors used will affect the price of your presentation folder printing at any San Diego CA printer.

Use Your Logo
Consider creative ways to incorporate your logo by creating texture and pattern by repeating your logo in a stripe or wave across the front and back of your presentation folder as well as on the inside flaps. You can also take a less subtle approach and feature it centered on each page or off center in the center spread on the outer corners. If your logo includes an insignia or graphic consider using this as a screened or enlarged graphic on each page. This will add interest and impact. Either way it should be noticeable.

Die Cut
You can also create interest using die cut techniques. This will impact the cost of your presentation folder printing, but if you have the budget it could be well worth it. Try a provocative cut out on the cover hinting at what’s inside or of your logo on inside page flaps.

Words and Images
Create enticing words that invite people to open the folder. Use images that make it clear what you do. A single word on the cover can be quite effective if it piques interest. Images than span the front and back and are carried into the center flaps create visual interest and consistency for your brand.

Following these basics will help convey a thought-provoking message about your brand.

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