What is a root canal?

by | Mar 10, 2014 | Dentistry

In the center of a tooth is an area which is called the pulp chamber. Running from this area through the entire length of the tooth root is the canal. Depending on the anatomy of the tooth, there can be up to four root canals; molars generally have multiple canals whereas cuspids and incisors have one.

These tiny canals carry the nerves of the tooth, any infection or trauma of the nerve will result in your having to undergo root canal therapy. Some of the common reasons why a root canal must be done are:

* Excessive tooth decay where the decay has reached the tooth pulp

* A tooth has become abscessed as a result of untreated decay

* Trauma to the tooth which results in nerve exposure

* The tooth dies as a result of past trauma or aging

Dentists in Wichita Kansas can perform a root canal in one or two visits, prior to undergoing the procedure the dentist will have sufficient information on the problem to be able to advise you the number of appointments that will be necessary. In cases where the root canal must be done due to an infection and abscess, the dentist will often place you on antibiotics prior to starting the procedure. Once everything is ready, the dentist will numb the area.

Working from X-Ray images, the dentist begins the procedure by drilling a small hole through the tooth into the pulp chamber; it is here where the dentist locates the nerve. The nerve is slowly removed along with any diseased tissue using tiny files. Some of the files that are used are hand operated; others are used by the rotary instrument. Depending on the circumstances, the dentist may stop the procedure and take another X-Ray to determine his position as relates to the root depth. It is absolutely necessary that all the nerve be removed otherwise there will be tooth aches caused by the remaining nerve.

When the dentists in Wichita Kansas are completely confident that all the nerve has been removed, the hole is dried and the hole is then filled with a rubberized material which acts like a seal. Once this sequence of events is completed, the dentist proceeds to close the tooth with a permanent filling.

If you are experiencing pain or other dental difficulties then you will need the services of dentists in Wichita Kansas. You are invited to contact American Dental for an appointment.

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