What’s the Buzz – Tactics for Your First Cut by a Phoenix Barber

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Hair Salon

Visiting a barbershop for the first time is an exciting experience. After you step through the door, you’ll see other customers waiting in the wings and hear the sounds of chatter, laughter, and clippers rumbling.

It’s an interesting world, so pull up a chair; you’re about to learn how to fit in and mingle with the locals while a barber cuts your hair.

The Night Before the Cut

A Phoenix barber’s job is easy, but if you make one misstep, you’ll accidentally make a barber’s job more complicated than it needs to be. For example, dirt and the blades on hair clippers do not mix, so never visit a barber with a dirty scalp. If you do, the dirt on your scalp could clog the blades of the hair clippers.

To make a barber’s job easier, wash your hair the night before your appointment, and do not put grease, gel, or any type of pomade on your hair afterward.

The Greeting

When you walk into the barbershop, be polite and greet everyone. If you have set up an appointment, let the barber know this. Otherwise, tell the barber that you’re a walk-in customer. Walk-ins are welcomed at most barbershops, but you’ll to know your place in line.

Arrive Properly Prepared

Selecting a haircut is the best part, so take your time and enjoy it. If there is a chart on the wall in the barbershop, you can use this as a reference, but if there is no chart available, try to describe your preferred haircut to the barber as best as you can.

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