No one ever expects to be injured in a car accident. However, a negligent driver talking on a cellphone can run a red light and change someone’s life forever. Whiplash and other back injuries are common in car accidents. They are very hard to diagnose and treat. Their pain often lasts a lifetime. Anyone who has been injured in an accident caused by a negligent driver should contact a car accident attorney in Williston ND area. If they are still in the hospital, the lawyer will make arrangements to see them there.
The injured person does not have to worry about the expense of hiring a lawyer. The law allows a Car Accident Attorney to take this type of case on a contingency basis. That means that the lawyer will get paid a percentage of the damages they win for their client. If they don’t win the case, they receive no fee. This is allows the poorest injured person to submit a claim for damages. Without the help of a lawyer, they will have a very difficult time proving their case.
In order to get damages to pay for medical bills and lost wages the person or their lawyer has to file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. Insurance companies have many lawyers, doctors and analysts that scrutinize every claim looking for reasons not to pay it. A doctor for the insurance company may claim that the injured motorist had a back problem prior to the accident. Therefore the accident didn’t cause the injury and they refuse to pay the claim. A Car Accident Attorney in Williston ND will work with the injured person’s doctor and other back experts to prove that the previous injury is not related to the current back problem.
People suffering from whiplash can be disabled for life. The insurance company will then have to pay them for a lifetime of lost wages. They will pick a very low number and attempt to show that the person didn’t have much ability to make a lot of money. This could intimidate some people. However, their lawyer can dispute this and show they might have gone to college and improved themselves. Lawyers know the way to negotiate financial settlements with insurance companies. They can do their job, while the patient can concentrate on their recovery.
Contact a car accident attorney